Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick Takes Salary Cut, Promises More Progress

Activision CEO Bobby Kotick announced he's reducing his salary to the lowest legal amount California allows salaried employees in a bid to free up resources for the company's ongoing internal restructuring efforts (thanks, Kotaku). Kotick made the announcement in a statement outlining some of Activision Blizzard's current efforts to address harassment and discrimination.

Those efforts include increasing the company's number of women and non-binary employees by 50% and introducing a no-tolerance policy that will reportedly protect anyone who raises a complaint from retaliation of any kind and immediately terminate any employee who violates the company's harassment policies.

Read more: Activision Blizzard employees form the ABK Workers Alliance

Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick Takes Salary Cut, Promises More Progress

Kotick didn't mention when the pay reduction will take place - only that he's requesting the board to make the cut. If it does happen, it'll reduce Kotick's salary to roughly $62,000 per year. However, as IGN's Brian Altano noted, Kotick also just received a $155 million bonus earlier in the year.

Activision Blizzard will also reportedly take steps toward increasing pay visibility, though Kotick was less forthcoming on that or on what measures are in place to dismantle the "frat boy" culture previous complaints said made the harassment possible to begin with.

Read more: Activision Blizzard Employees Sue Company for Unfair Labor Practices

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